Sunday, December 13, 2009

Calendula Oatmeal

This soap takes a while because I need to infuse the Calendula in the oils. First I blend all of the oils together and then melt them with the Calendula buds and petals. You have to use fresh Calendula that is thoroughly dried or risk getting mold issues, but not so dry that there is nothing left to infuse. Then I let it cool, reheat (slowly) and then filter out the petals. Then I add NEW petals and repeat. I do this cycle slowly over several days to really let it infuse into the oils.

I added Colloidal oatmeal, for the ultimate in gentle healing soap. This soap starts off surprisingly yellow but then cures to a white soap with yellow calendula petals throughout.

Approximate due date: 01/24/10

Soundtrack: Lady Gaga, The Fame Monster

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