Monday, February 26, 2007

Saving Suka Cita

Folks, call the cops because this soap wants to kill me.

This is the batch that keeps on giving and hurting.

Suka Cita Laundry Soap, is not homicidal but white and fragrant and I'm not sure if I'm going to sell it because its so very nice.

Suka Cita Soap take 1: These are rough cut bars of the original batch. I was going to sell these but then I made:

Hand-milled Suka Cita!!!!

There are several ways to make soap:

Melt & Pour: Processed glycerin soap microwaved or double boiled into a liquid then made into bars: Difficulty: 2 out of 10

Rebatch: Pre-bought cold process soap created for rebatching, grated, boiled in bag, then molded. Often sold as actual handmade cold process soap or hand-milled soap. Difficulty: I have no idea because I've never tried it but it sounds pretty easy.

Cold Process: Melding oils and lye and water to make bars then curing from 4-8 weeks. Difficulty 5 out of 10

Hot Process: Same as above only you continue to heat it so that it needs about 24 hours of curing/hardening time: Difficulty 8 out of 10. I have tried and failed at this twice. I will not be trying again.

Hand-milled Soap: Follow the cold process to completion or close to it, hand grate the soap, reheat and rebatch with oils and then remold Difficulty 10 out of 10

I have never successfully hand-milled a soap, I have tried and failed. I *think* I may have actually done it this time. If so, I might scrap the rough-cut bars and hand-mill the rest. BUT I burned my thumb proving....

....that this soap is intentionally trying to hurt me.

1 comment:

Mama Llama said...

And the reason you want hand milled soap is...