Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Suka Cita and the Accident

Well, I was making a gigantic batch of the popular Suka Cita on Monday (Jasmine, Rose and Sandalwood) when it began to seize. Meaning it hardened past a point where it could be poured or molded. Some essential oils do this, lots of fragrance oils do this which is one reason I try to use more essential oils than fragrance oils. Suka Cita is an essential oil blend but something happened. Anyway, I thought maybe I'd save it by adding some oils and superfatting it but as I was using my hand (stick) blender to mix in the oils the hardened soap jammed the blender. Rather that turning off the blender and unjamming it. I left it on and stuck my finger in it. My finger got mangled and I needed to have 8 stitches and will have some minor nerve damage. It is very painful.

Luckily I put the blender away from the ruined soap as I unjammed it so no (ahem) fluids got into the Suka Cita. So in a couple months time I am going to have a very, very large amount of Suka Cita Laundry Soap available.

1 comment:

travelingtoes said...

OMG, I hope you're okay.